Arthroscopy is one of the best and most effective solutions for diagnosing and treating different kinds of joint problems. A skilled and experienced professional performed this procedure by inserting a narrow tube attached to a fibre-optic video camera making a small incision. As a minimally invasive surgical procedure, it helps to treat your joint problem without causing any further problems.

It also provides the ability to see inside your joint and find the actual causes of pain. If you are facing knee pain for a long time, take the help of the Best Arthroscopy surgeons in Delhi, or wherever you live. Let’s take a look to know everything about arthroscopy surgery.
What Happened During Arthroscopy Procedure?
When arthroscopy surgery is performed, the specialist will give you anaesthesia through your spine based on your joint conditions and surgical process. After that, they make a small cut to insert a thin instrument – known as an arthroscope tool. They also insert a camera lens and a light to know the actual condition of your joint.
After knowing the actual condition of your joint, the specialist decides which kind of surgery you need for your joint problem. Once they do this, make an additional cut to insert a special surgical tool for performing the operation. When the process is done, they remove the arthroscope and other tools and close your wound with special tape or stitches.
Recovery Process for Arthroscopy
After a successful Arthroscopy surgery in Delhi, the doctor will shift you to a recovery room to take proper rest at least for an hour or more. A patient may feel some pain just after the surgery so they recommend some pain management medicines and exercises for an easy and hassle-free recovery.
While the operation is done, you need to rest properly, but some patients who sit longer and don’t make a move can be susceptible to blood clots near their joints. Keeping this condition in mind, the professional suggests you take aspirin or other medications for preventing blood clots.
You should also apply ice for the first 24 hours. It will help you reduce swelling. You should avoid drinking before and after the surgery and take your prescribed medications timely.
It is also important to keep your wound dry to avoid infection and other problems. A professional will also tell you some activities that you should perform to back to your normal life as soon as possible.
When do You Need to Call a doctor?
While arthroscopy is a safe and effective treatment solution, the complication is rare. It generally happens in fewer than 1 in 100 cases. When you face any complications such as infection, blood clots, and others, call your doctor.
You should also call a professional if you have symptoms like:
· Fever
· Pain
· Severe inflammation
· Smelly fluid from wounds and many others.
The above-mentioned information will let you know some important things about arthroscopy. You can find one of the best doctors to get the best Arthroscopy surgery cost in Delhi, or elsewhere.